Kamuycikap - SentenceDataBase


Raspberry Pi3でCommon LispによるI2C通信









;;;; I2C SPI Lib
(ql:quickload "cffi")

;; パッケージの作成
(defpackage :kpr-i2c
  (:use :common-lisp
  (:export :wiring-pi-i2c-setup-interface

(in-package :kpr-i2c)

;; wiringPiのバインディング
(define-foreign-library libwiringPi
  (:unix "libwiringPi.so"))

(use-foreign-library libwiringPi)

;;; C言語ヘッダファイル定義
;; #ifdef __cplusplus
;; extern "C" {
;; #endif

;; extern int wiringPiI2CSetupInterface (const char *device, int devId) ;
;; extern int wiringPiI2CSetup          (const int devId) ;

;; extern int wiringPiI2CRead           (int fd) ;
;; extern int wiringPiI2CReadReg8       (int fd, int reg) ;
;; extern int wiringPiI2CReadReg16      (int fd, int reg) ;

;; extern int wiringPiI2CWrite          (int fd, int data) ;
;; extern int wiringPiI2CWriteReg8      (int fd, int reg, int data) ;
;; extern int wiringPiI2CWriteReg16     (int fd, int reg, int data) ;

;; #ifdef __cplusplus
;; }
;; #endif

;; Core wiringPi functions I2C
(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CSetupInterface" wiring-pi-i2c-setup-interface) :int (device :pointer) (devId :int))
(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CSetup" wiring-pi-i2c-setup) :int (devId :int))

(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CRead" wiring-pi-i2c-read) :int (fd :int))
(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CReadReg8" wiring-pi-i2c-read8) :int (fd :int) (reg :int))
(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CReadReg16" wiring-pi-i2c-read16) :int (fd :int) (reg :int))

(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CWrite" wiring-pi-i2c-write) :int (fd :int) (data :int))
(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CWriteReg8" wiring-pi-i2c-write8) :int (fd :int) (reg :int) (data :int))
(defcfun ("wiringPiI2CWriteReg16" wiring-pi-i2c-write16) :int (fd :int) (reg :int) (data :int))
;;;;; I2C TEST (HT16K33)

;; ■HT16K33 DataSheet
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | Name                         | Address | Command(b0 ~ b7) | Option              | Description                                                 |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | Display data Address pointer |    0x00 | A3 A2 A1 A0      | {A0~A3} R/W         | Five bits of immediate data, bits A0 to A3,                 |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | are transferred to the data pointer to define               |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | one of sixteen display RAM addresses.                       |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     |                                                             |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | If the Display data register address (An)                   |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | is 0X00h ~ 0X0Fh, after reaching the                        |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | memory location 0X0Fh, the pointer will                     |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | reset to 0X00h                                              |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | System setup                 |    0x20 | X  X  X  S       | {S} Write           | Defines internal system oscillator on/off                   |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {0}:Turn off System oscillator (standby mode)               |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {1}:Turn on System oscillator (normaloperation mode)        |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | Key data Address pointer     |    0x40 | 0 K2 K1 K0       | {K0~K2} Read        | Three bits of immediate data, bits K0 to                    |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | K2, are transferred to the data pointer to                  |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | define one of six key data RAM addresses.                   |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | It is strongly recommended that the key                     |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | data RAM of address 0x40H~0x45H                             |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | should be read continuously and in one                      |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | operation, so the key data RAM of address                   |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | should be started at 0x40H only.                            |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     |                                                             |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | If the Key data register address (An) is                    |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | 0X40h ~ 0X45h, after reaching the memory                    |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | location 0X45h, the pointer will reset to                   |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | 0X40h                                                       |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | INT flag Address pointer     |    0x60 | X X X X          | Read Only           | Defines the INT flag address, Read INT flag                 |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | status.                                                     |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | Interrupt flag signal output. When any key                  |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     |                                                             |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | matrix key is pressed, after the completion of              |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | two key scan cycles, this int flag bit goes to a            |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | high level and remains at a high level until all            |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | key data has been read                                      |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | Display setup                |    0x80 | X B1 B0 D        | {D} Write           | {D} -> Defines Display on/off status                        |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | 0: Display off                                              |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | 1: Display on                                               |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     |                                                             |
;; |                              |         |                  | {B0~B1} Write       | Defines the blinking frequency                              |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {B1,B0} <- bit pattern                                      |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {0,0} -> Blinking OFF                                       |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {0,1} -> 2Hz                                                |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {1,1} -> 1Hz                                                |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {1,1} -> 0.5Hz                                              |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | ROW/INT set                  |    0xA0 | X X Act Row/Int  | {Act Row/Int} Write | Defines INT/ROW output pin select and INT                   |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | pin output active level status.                             |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {X 0}: INT/ROW output pin is set to ROW driver output       |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {0, 1}: INT/ROW output pin is set to INT output, activelow  |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {1, 1}: INT/ROW output pin is set to INT output, activehigh |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | Dimming set                  |    0xE0 | P3 P2 P1 P0      | {P0~P3} Write       | Defines the pulse width of ROW.                             |
;; |                              |         |                  |                     | {P0~P3}: 0x00~0x0F                                          |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | Test mode                    |    0xD9 | 1 0 0 1          | Write               | HOLTEK Use Only                                             |
;; |------------------------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------|

(ql:quickload :cl-wiringpi2)
(load "kpri2c.lisp")

;; パッケージの作成
(defpackage :kpr-matrix
  (:use :common-lisp
;;  (:export :main))

(in-package :kpr-matrix)

;; HT16K33 Command
(defconstant +i2c-address+ #x70)                  ; 対象のI2Cデバイスを選択
(defconstant +i2c-cms-data+ #x00)
(defconstant +i2c-cmd-sysset+ #x20)
(defconstant +i2c-cmd-blink+ #x80)
(defconstant +i2c-cmd-dimming+ #xE0)
(defconstant +i2c-cmd-outputsel+ #xA0)

;; HT16K33 RegSetup
(defconstant +i2c-sysset-osc-on+ #x01)

;; Display setup
(defconstant +i2c-blink-off+ #x00)
(defconstant +i2c-blink-display-on+ #x01)
(defconstant +i2c-blink-2hz+ #x02)
(defconstant +i2c-blink-1hz+ #x04)
(defconstant +i2c-blink-05hz+ #x06)

;; LED Data
(defparameter *char-pattern* nil)

(defparameter *toufu* '((#x00 #b11111111)                  ; 四角い枠。右上角から左下角に斜めの斜線
                        (#x02 #b10000011)
                        (#x04 #b10000101)
                        (#x06 #b10001001)
                        (#x08 #b10010001)
                        (#x0A #b10100001)
                        (#x0C #b11000001)
                        (#x0E #b11111111)

(defparameter *invader1* '((#x00 #b00100100)                  ; インベーダーパターン1
                           (#x02 #b10100101)
                           (#x04 #b11111111)
                           (#x06 #b11011011)
                           (#x08 #b11111111)
                           (#x0A #b01111110)
                           (#x0C #b00100100)
                           (#x0E #b01000010)

(defparameter *invader2* '((#x00 #b00100100)                  ; インベーダーパターン2
                           (#x02 #b00100100)
                           (#x04 #b01111110)
                           (#x06 #b11011011)
                           (#x08 #b11111111)
                           (#x0A #b11111111)
                           (#x0C #b10100101)
                           (#x0E #b00100100)

(defparameter *squid1* '((#x00 #b00011000)                  ; 烏賊パターン1
                         (#x02 #b00111100)
                         (#x04 #b01111110)
                         (#x06 #b11011011)
                         (#x08 #b11111111)
                         (#x0A #b00100100)
                         (#x0C #b01011010)
                         (#x0E #b01000010)

(defparameter *squid2* '((#x00 #b00011000)                  ; 烏賊パターン1
                         (#x02 #b00111100)
                         (#x04 #b01111110)
                         (#x06 #b11011011)
                         (#x08 #b11111111)
                         (#x0A #b00100100)
                         (#x0C #b01011010)
                         (#x0E #b10100101)

(defun ht-cmd(fd cmd data)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write fd (logior cmd data)))

;; HT16K33 Setup
(defun ht_init(fd)
  ;; HT16K33 初期値
  (ht-cmd fd +i2c-cmd-sysset+ #x01)              ; システムオシレータON
  (ht-cmd fd +i2c-cmd-blink+ #x01)               ; 点滅周期の設定
  (ht-cmd fd +i2c-cmd-dimming+ #x01)             ; LEDの明るさ設定

;; LED Clear
(defun ht_clear(fd)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x00 #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x02 #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x04 #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x06 #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x08 #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x0A #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x0C #x00)
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd #x0E #x00)

;; ビット反転(ネットから取ってきた)
(defun bit-reverse (n &optional (nbits (integer-length n)))
  (dotimes (i (ash nbits -1))
     (rotatef (ldb (byte 1 i) n)
              (ldb (byte 1 (- nbits i 1)) n)))

;; データをまとめて送信(list)
(defun ht_dataset_matrix(fd data-list)
    (mapcar #'(lambda(send-data)
                (ht_dataset fd (car send-data) (car (cdr send-data)))

;; HT16K33データ送信
    ;; A:1010 B:1011 C:1100 D:1101
    ;; Adafruitの8x8LEDマトリクスmini基板は、サイズを小さくするため配線が特殊になっている。
    ;; b0〜b7ビットのうち、b0〜b7を反転させなければならない。
    ;1111 1111 -> 1111 1111
    ;1011 1111 -> 1111 1110 : #xBF -> #xFE
    ;1101 1111 -> 1111 1101 : #xDF -> #xFD
(defun ht_dataset(fd line-add set-data)
  (let (
        b7                              ; 最上位ビット
        b0-b6                           ; b0〜b6
;    (format t "INデータ:~8,b" set-data)
;    (princ #\Newline)
;    (format t "INデータHEX:~4,'0x" set-data)
;    (princ #\Newline)

    ;; 最上位ビットの取得
    (setf b7 (logand set-data #x80))    ; #b1000 0000 でマスクする。

    ;; b0〜b6ビットの取得
    (setf b0-b6 (logand set-data #x7F)) ; #b0111 1111 でマスクする。
;    (format t "最上位ビット:~b" b7)
;    (princ #\Newline)
;    (format t "リバース前:~8,'0b" b0-b6)
;    (princ #\Newline)

    ;; b0〜b6ビットの反転
;    (format t "リバース後:~8,'0b" (bit-reverse b0-b6 7))
;    (princ #\Newline)

;    (format t "書き込みデータ:~b" (logior b7 (bit-reverse b0-b6 7)))
;    (princ #\Newline)
;    (format t "HEX:~2,'0x" (logior b7 (bit-reverse b0-b6 7)))
;    (princ #\Newline)

    ;; HT16K33へデータ書き込み
    (wiring-pi-i2c-write8 fd line-add (logior b7 (bit-reverse b0-b6 7)))

(defparameter *dbg-fd* nil)                ; Debug用
(defparameter *fd* nil)
(defparameter *dbg* nil)

(defun main()
  (let (

    ;; I2Cシステムの初期化
    (setf fd (wiring-pi-i2c-setup +i2c-address+))
    (setf *fd* fd)
    ;; HT16K33 Setup
    (ht_init fd)

    ;; LED All OFF
    (ht_clear fd)

    ;; Send Data
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *invader2* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *invader1* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *invader2* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *invader1* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *squid2* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *squid1* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *squid2* *char-pattern*))
    (setf *char-pattern* (cons *squid1* *char-pattern*))

    (mapcar #'(lambda(led-char)
                (ht_dataset_matrix fd led-char)
                (delay 700)


;; このコメントを外せばREPL上で実行

;; main関数を起点として実行ファイルを作成
(ccl:save-application "kmylogo"
                      :toplevel-function #'main        ; トップレベルをmainに
                      :prepend-kernel t)